As we release our second version of Data Assistant for ArcGIS Pro, I’d like to highlight some of my favourite new features so you can check them out when you’ve installed the new release…
1 – Seismic Explorer tools
To help people who want to visualise seismic in 3D as well as 2D we’ve created new tools for SEG Y, P1/84, P1/90, and Generic format seismic data. Using these Seismic Explorer tools you can check out the headers, preview traces, create your own settings files, and (more spectacularly) display seismic data in ArcGIS Pro’s 3D window(s).
This is really useful in play fairway mapping as the tool allows me to import a few key seismic lines that illustrate the regional geological structure.
2 & 3 – Import Deviation Survey & Import LAS Log Curves tools
We love ArcGIS Pro’s integrated 3D environment, so we’ve also created two new tools with well data in mind. I’ve merged them together in this list as they are complementary:
The Import Deviation Survey tool allows you to import a classic deviation survey file – containing Measured Depth, Inclination and Azimuth – to create a 3D well path. If you already have well headers in ArcGIS you can also link the well deviation to the correct top hole location.
The Import LAS Log Curves tool allows you to import LAS files and link them to specific well paths, displaying the curves along the well bore.
These two tools combined provide excellent sub-surface visualisation capabilities and a fantastic accompaniment to a seismic display (see above) or a gross depositional environment map.
4 – Label Focal Mechanism Points tool
There are not many better ways to visualise an area’s regional stress regime than using an earthquake focal mechanism map. With that in mind, we’ve improved on a tool that was previously only available in our ArcMap version of Data Assistant. Now, our Label Focal Mechanism Points tool will not only display the correctly orientated “Beach Ball” symbol, but it will also colour code it to reflect the fault type.
5 – New web-based licensing
We have upgraded the licensing on all our software add-ins to use modern, user-friendly web-based licensing. Now all you need is a License Code and an internet connection. No more setting up license servers on your network, which should save quite some effort for your IT administrators. Also, this change has enabled us to add a display field within the Add-in itself showing when your Data Assistant license is going to expire:
Happy investigating!
Posted by Rich Webb, Product Specialist, Exprodat