Unconventionals Analyst

Well planning and reserve area mapping made easy

Make better resource play development & opportunity investment decisions by simplifying complex well inventory modelling and reserve area evaluations.

Unconventionals Analyst is an extension to Esri’s ArcGIS Pro software for use in managing unconventionals resource development projects such as shale gas, shale oil, coal bed methane (CBM) or coal seam gas (CSG).

Unconventionals Analyst is designed specifically for land, drilling and subsurface teams, providing essential tools for well pattern design and reserve assessment.

See Unconventionals Analyst in action in our series of short demo videos.

Unconventionals Analyst enables land, drilling and subsurface teams to model and plan field developments in order to streamline operations and evaluate investments.

  • Identify allowable areas for operations by creating operational setbacks from geologic, access, land use and environmental factors.
  • Assess how many well sticks and pads can be placed in your area of interest.
  • Calculate spacings between existing wells to better understand production regimes.
  • Analyze parent/child relationships between wells to determine infill potential and/or production interference.
  • Rapidly build drill space unit (DSU) layers from well locations.
  • Create accurate gun-barrel diagrams to better visualise production operations.
  • Identify the most efficient well development plan, placing pads and laterals so that you minimize surface footprint while maximizing lateral lengths.
  • Rapidly map complex reserve patterns based on well locations, using workflows such as PRMS and the SPEE “Monograph 3” statistical analysis.

Dramatically cut complex, time-consuming and data intensive well pattern design workflows to ensure you’re not drilling more wells than you need to.

Reduce well development planning projects from months to days.

Enhance inventory planning by quickly and accurately assessing spatial relationships between wells.

Avoid pad re-design costs by holistically planning field developments up-front.

Plan for alternate development scenarios under different price environments.

Ensure regulatory compliance in reserve area management and booking.

Easily run and iterate “Monograph 3” workflow to statistically determine the proved area of a resource play.

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