ArcGIS Data Management for Petroleum

Intermediate course for data managers

Learn to develop and manage a petroleum spatial data infrastructure.

This course takes you through the development of an oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) spatial data infrastructure. Using ArcGIS for Desktop (ArcView) tools, you will be guided through the hands-on process of structuring and loading an E&P GIS using a realistic collection of well, surface and subsurface data sources from an operating field. You will also develop an understanding of how to implement metadata in a petroleum focussed spatial data infrastructure.

The focus is on helping you develop the skills needed to manage data quality and refresh datasets without compromising the integrity of the data store.

Targeted training taught by instructors experienced in your industry.

  • Instructor-led classroom courses delivered in person, or online in real-time.
  • Live presentations and demonstrations.
  • Uses industry standard ArcGIS Desktop software (ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap).
  • Hands-on exercises to learn by doing, with step-by-step instructions for using ArcGIS in common Energy workflows.
  • Learning pathways to effectively manage geospatial data and use ArcGIS within geoscience workflows.
  • In-house and public courses available.
GIS Training


Participants attending this course should have completed an introductory ArcGIS for Desktop course or already be familiar with ArcGIS for Desktop or equivalent mapping software.

Intended Audience

Data management, IT, geoscience and other professionals and support staff who are going to be building and managing spatial data infrastructure for specific projects, assets or company-wide data stores, and need to be able to acquire the relevant ArcGIS for Desktop skills and knowledge.

Participants with GIS expertise but who are new to the oil and gas sector will gain a more thorough understanding of the spatial data management issues inherent in the E&P industry. Note that the focus of this course is on the development and management of spatial data infrastructure for E&P.

  • Focuses on spatial data infrastructure for the E&P industry
  • Uses industry standard ArcGIS for desktop tools from Esri (ArcMap, ArcCatalog and ArcToolbox)
  • Two-day intensive course
  • Instructor-led hands-on learning by ‘doing’
  • Trainer demonstrations and course validation questions

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the storage properties of a geodatabase and a feature dataset
  2. Differentiate between the management properties of a feature class and shapefile
  3. Employ ArcCatalog functionality and ArcToolbox tools to convert shapefiles to feature classes
  4. Illustrate how Data Comparison tools can be used to establish the accuracy of spatial datasets
  5. Discuss the benefits of using ArcSDE to manage corporate data
  6. Operate the Geodatabase Administration tools to archive spatial datasets
  7. Independently establish a data management framework for organising different types of spatial data for a project
  8. Demonstrate how corporate symbology styles can be customized and stored
  9. Analyse the quality of spatial data which has been updated using the Load, Append and Merge tools
  10. Generate and manage domains, subtypes and fields using ArcCatalog properties and tools in the Domain toolbox

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