Exprodat, the oil and gas ArcGIS platform specialist, Esri Gold Partner and Getech group company, has released Exploration Analyst Online, a web-based ArcGIS Online app that allows explorationists to assess petroleum basins and plays without the need for desktop GIS expertise.
Based on Esri’s ArcGIS platform, Exploration Analyst Online is packed full of features designed to simplify and streamline basin and play assessment projects.
Exprodat Technical Director Chris Jepps explains more about the simplfied workflow that EAO can bring to exploration departments; “Explorationists can now interactively investigate and analyse their resource data in a web-based app that honors 3-way selection between map, charts and table data, as well as use attributes within the fields/pools layer to “slice and dice” the analysis, e.g. into Play or Sub-Play levels.
This allows you to gain insight by identifying previously unseen trends and patterns in your basin and play resource prospectivity data.
Being web-based, Exploration Analyst Online enables all users within an organisation to benefit from the powerful map-based exploration analyses that were previously only available to expert ArcGIS Desktop users via our Exploration Analyst extension to ArcGIS for Desktop, and can also be used on any device.”
For more information please visit www.exprodat.com