Exprodat, the oil and gas services, software and training supplier will be sharing stand 3440 with worldwide Geographical Information System (GIS) supplier Esri Inc. at the 76th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) Exhibition and Conference.
To be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands between 16th and 19th June 2014 the EAGE Conference will bring the oil and gas exploration community together to share ideas and advice.
Exprodat has developed numerous software products based upon the Esri ArcGIS platform, provided training courses around the world teaching exploration and production staff how to benefit from using GIS and supplied geospatial consulting services to hundreds of oil and gas companies.
Gareth Smith, Managing Director of Exprodat explains more about the value of the company’s relationship with Esri; “As a Gold Partner, we work closely with Esri and the distributors all over the word to align our training, services and products with their ArcGIS platform. The EAGE show is a great opportunity to show how this partnership offers real value to oil & gas companies by deploying ArcGIS as a framework for enterprise integration”
For more information about Exprodat solutions visit the Exprodat website (www.exprodat.com)