Exprodat, the oil and gas ArcGIS platform specialist, Esri Gold Partner and Getech Group company, has released the latest version of its popular Data Assistant software, which simplfies and speeds up the process of importing and exporting common exploration data, to and from Esri’s ArcGIS platform.
Data Assistant v223 is now compatible with ArcGIS 10.5 enabling organisations working with the latest Esri software release to easily import crucial information from Petrel, IHS Kingdom, SeisWorks, OpenWorks and a host of other exploration and production software.
Exprodat’s Products Director Chris Jepps explains more about how the latest version of the Data Assistant software can bring real benefits to oil and gas workflows; “Along with support for ArcGIS 10.5, the new release brings some cool enhancements for seismic users, with enhanced SEG-Y format performance, support for P1/84 seismic navigation and a new tool for importing color ramps to ensure your grids look the same in ArcGIS as they do in your sub-surface interpretation system.”
For more information please visit www.exprodat.com